Safety & Security
Not In My City

As victims are often transported by air, airports are ideally positioned to assist in the effort to combat human trafficking. As Canada’s largest airport, we recognize we have a responsibility to take action. By coming together, we can help share suspicions with law enforcement, stay up to date on trends and provide awareness and education.


Launched in 2017, #NotInMyCity works to collaborate with law enforcement, victim service providers, survivor advocates and Indigenous and community leaders.

Human trafficking awareness training


  • the ways to recognize the signs of sexual exploitation and human trafficking in Canada and how to respond

  • the behavioural signs that might indicate an exploited person

  • how to get help without putting the concerned individual in harm’s way. 

We can all play a role in disrupting human trafficking. Take this 30-minute interactive e-learning course to help you recognize the signs of human trafficking and how to respond. Upon completion, you will receive a digital certificate. 

As part of a partnership with #NotInMyCity, this training course was designed with aviation expertise, has drawn on international aviation best practices and is open to all airport staff.