Meet Lina


“To be able to showcase Toronto to the world is an honour and I humbly accept the duty daily!”

— Lina, Customer Experience Specialist with Air Canada

How did you get into the aviation industry?

I actually wanted to join as a pilot! I did my ground school when I was younger because I’m quite adventurous – I went skydiving and I thought, yeah, I can do this. Once I got behind the joystick and all of the instruments, I felt like I wasn’t cut out for it. But I knew I still wanted to be in the aviation industry and I knew I wanted to be around people. That led me straight to customer service with Air Canada. I’ve been a customer service agent since then; 23 years.

You were featured in the newest I Am Toronto Pearson campaign. Why was it so important for you to be a part of this campaign?

I have the pleasure of being one of the first people they meet where I am able to guide them, assist them and make their travels seamless. All that work to come together for a smooth and comfortable experience. To be able to showcase Toronto to the world is an honour and I humbly accept the duty daily!

What is your superpower?

I’m patient. I think because I come from a big, loud Italian family, there’s always people around me. And I work in an airport with lots of people who might be having a bad day. But when you talk to me, I can bring you right down to a calmness – to have a good experience.

I want you smiling. I want you to feel warm and fuzzy when our encounter is over.And to have you say, “You know what? She left a lasting impression on me.” Because we might cross paths again. Believe it or not, I feel like everybody comes into your life for a purpose.

Quick Hits 

Favourite place you’ve travelled to? 

The Seychelles 

Cats or dogs? 


Reading or writing? 


Sporting event or concert? 


If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

The Antarctic 

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